API Reference

Getting Started With Your API

This page will help you get started with Crekode API.

There is some essential things that you required:

  1. Author API Key
  2. License key / Purchase Code
  3. API Type
  4. Item ID

Author API Key

You need to generate your Author API key under your account settings. Headover to your account setting and click on API Tab and Reset your Key or Generate a new Key.

Key is very important to fetch details. Make sure to not share with any one or If Its get public then make sure to Reset as soon as Possible,

API Type

Currently we are providing 2 type of Endpoints.

  1. Purchase Verification
  2. Fetch Specific Purchase (Detailed)

License key / Purchase Code

License key and Purchase Code are the tracking Id of the customer purchased. When any customer make purchase we issue them the license key which will help Authors/Sellers to verify there purchases. Its was very helpful for Endpoint 1 and 2.

Item Id

Its an optional Parameter that will help our system to match the correct license with correct Item Id.